Keep Your Receipts

Recently, I was at Costco grabbing a few groceries. On my way out, they asked to see my receipt. As they reviewed it, they thoroughly examined my shopping cart—like I had stolen a rotisserie chicken or one of their delicious tuxedo cakes without paying for it. But the receipt proved I had paid for everything in my cart.

This incident got me thinking about the concept of keeping your receipts and having proof of purchase, especially in relation to our calling and purpose in life. In Revelation 3:18, Jesus counsels the Laodicean church, “Buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich.”

Despite all the things freely given to us by God, certain things—like character and anointing—come with a price. These spiritual treasures are bought with obedience and sacrifice (see 1 Corinthians 6:20).

There’s a price to pay to fulfill your calling, walk in freedom, and realize your potential. Here’s why it’s important to metaphorically keep your receipts:

Receipts Remind. When we review our receipts, we are reminded of the purchases we’ve made. Often, we forget what we’ve walked through and the battles we’ve overcome because we’re so focused on the present. When God brings promotion, it’s easy to feel like we don’t deserve it. But God is saying, “You’ve paid a price to be where you are today. I haven’t forgotten, and I don’t want you to forget either.”

Receipts Allow Refunds. Throughout life, we’ve all made some bad purchases. Thankfully, if we’ve kept our receipts, we can usually get a refund. In regard to your calling, if you’ve made poor decisions, go to God for a refund. He’ll give you a new beginning. Remember, the cross is the greatest receipt you can keep. It proves your sin and shortcomings have been paid for in full (Galatians 6:14).

Receipts Redeem. Another benefit of keeping your receipts is the rewards that can be redeemed by them. In James 1:12 (AMP), we’re informed that those who pass God’s tests and are approved will receive the victor’s crown of life. In biblical times, this crown was more than a trophy; it was like a VIP pass that gave champions access to exclusive places within their city.

For us, as we pass God’s tests and receive His approval to advance to our next level, we, too, will be given access to exclusive places of our calling. What was once closed off will now be opened. And just like my Costco incident, your receipts prove that you paid for what you purchased in your previous level.

Although we cannot buy our salvation or earn things from God, there are certain things that will cost you and must be bought with the price of obedience. Continue to pay the price, and don’t forget to keep your receipts!

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Level Up by Chris Pace
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