The One Thing You Must Buy!

I’m so grateful for the things freely given to us by God: salvation, forgiveness, grace, the Holy Spirit–I can go on and on. God is a giver, and no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly (Psalm 84:11).

But there are certain things that aren’t free. They must be bought. Jesus taught in Revelation 3:18, “I counsel you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich.”

Jesus doesn’t say, “I will give you this gold.” Instead, He urges us to buy it from Him–and He is the only one we can purchase it from. So, what is this gold we’re called to purchase? It’s a purified faith and godly character. In 1 Peter 1:7, we learn that our faith is tested like gold in fire, and when it remains strong through trials, it brings glory to God. Similarly, Job reminds us that through trials, we can emerge as refined gold—pure and luminous (Job 23:20).

But how do we buy this gold? In 1 Corinthians 6:20, we’re reminded that we were purchased at a great price—Jesus’ own life. To buy from God, we must give ourselves in full obedience to Him. Purified faith and godly character cannot be bought with money; they’re obtained by laying down our lives.

When we face trials, we should view them as opportunities to invest in our faith and character. Trials become a buyer’s market, where we can purchase the gold that truly matters. Jesus meant for us to be rich in faith and character. After all, what good is it to gain the world but lose our soul?

Our faith and character are far more precious than mere gold, and they accompany us into eternity. When we invest in our faith and character, we’ll gain true riches. Let’s seek the gold that truly enriches our souls!

Keep the fire burning!!!

Level Up by Chris Pace
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